What should I have in front of me to help me complete my emissions profile accurately?

To accurately complete the Greenhouse Accounting Framework (GAF) calculations for your farm, you will need the following evidence, records, and business statements.


After creating and account you will see a orange button on the top right of the 'Emissions Breakdown' on your dashboard. Select this to complete the full emissions calculations powered by the GAF framework.  

Necessary Documentation for Accuracy: 

General Farm Information

  • Farm name and location details.
  • Total land area by use (e.g., cropping, grazing, remnant vegetation).
  • Historical land-use changes, such as clearing or regrowth over the past 20 years.

Livestock Inventory

  • Numbers of livestock by category (e.g., breeders, replacements, traded cattle, etc.), averaged across seasons.
  • Details on births, deaths, sales, and purchases.
  • Liveweights (LW) and liveweight gains (LWG) over time.
  • Pregnancy and lactation status for breeding stock.

Farm Inputs

  • Annual quantities of fertilisers used (e.g., urea, single superphosphate), including the nitrogen content.
  • Records of fuel and electricity consumption (e.g., diesel and petrol usage in litres per year, electricity bills).
  • Purchased feed, such as grain, hay, and cottonseed, with quantities and usage split across livestock types.

Crop and Pasture Management

  • Total area under cultivation and pasture.
  • Details of crop residue management (e.g., burning or incorporation).
  • Soil amendments applied, including lime and manure.

Tree Planting Information

  • Area planted (in hectares), tree species, and planting dates for vegetation activities aimed at carbon sequestration.

Year Selection

  • Use a representative year that reflects stable flock/herd conditions for accurate baseline results.
  • Avoid years strongly influenced by drought or exceptional rainfall.

Supplementary Records

  • Evidence of purchases (e.g., tax records for fertilisers, fuel, feed, livestock, herbicides, and pesticides).
  • Emission factors for external services, such as contractors for hay baling.

Savannah Burning (if applicable to northern Australian properties)

  • Rainfall data, vegetation class, patchiness, fuel class size, fire season, years since last fire, and fire scar area.

Tips for Accuracy

  • Data Verification: Cross-check livestock numbers with outputs like liveweight and wool sold​.
  • Representative Data: Average results over 2-3 years if significant variations occur in seasonal conditions.

Additional Tools

For detailed guidance, refer to the online resources:

These records will ensure that your carbon account is as accurate and representative as possible.